Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Day 98 and counting...
I can't say that I have figured anything out, but I am working on it instead of letting myself wallow. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I don't want to be traveling alone right now, but that is where I find myself. I have not made any new friends here, but that is my own fault. I am going to try and embrace this part of my journey and hope to have some sort of answers, or the start or answers soon.
Until then, I love everyone, I am safe and healthy and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
p.s. I know this all sounds so very cryptic, but I am doing ok. Just have a different sort of journey to embark on for a bit and have only just realized it. I love you all.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Giving Thanks
I am thankful for my family.
Even though they all might not understand my insatiable need to travel, they are supportive. Even though they may be jealous of the experiences I am having, they are excited. My mother is the most amazing, loving, intelligent, understanding, supportive, thoughtful, caring and courageous person I know. She is my ultimate role model in life and probably the major reason I am who I am today and like who that person is. My father is the best life lesson teacher I know. He is amazing at pushing me to me better, encouraging me when I fail, understanding how I work and knowing that I have to go through the wall sometimes, even if there is a helping hand over. He taught me about work ethic and success, and that understanding a person is the greatest gift you can give your self and them. My siblings are all inspirational in here own way. Each one a remind of different ways to walk through this journey of life. They are all intelligent, thoughtful, special people that at times I wish I knew better as friends, rather than as siblings. They have each impacted my life enormously, and taught me that although we may not always agree or get along, we will always love each other and be there for each other. My stepmother and stepsister have only been in my life for a short time, but they have greatly enriched it with their kindness, generosity, outlooks on life and personal successes. I am lucky beyond words for the family I have.
I am thankful for my friends back home.
Even if I don't get to see some as much as I would like, I know I have a strong bond with each and every one. My friends are the richness in my life, the smile on my face that changes an ok day into something special. They are how I measure my wealth, and let me tell you...I am one of the richest people on the planet! I cherish the many conversations over a glass (or bottle) of wine, listening to incredible music together, dancing the night away until we collapse from exhaustion, sharing food, memories, stories, and everything else around a campfire or dinner table or while driving in the car. I am thankful for knowing there is a large number of people who would do whatever is needed if I am ever in trouble or in need. I love being able to share my current traveling experiences with them and know that even though I may travel alone most times, I am not ever far from someones thoughts. I am thankful that I may come back a changed person, but they will still love me. I love knowing that I am loved by the most incredible people I have ever met, and that they chose me to be counted amongst there friends.
I am thankful for the friends I have met while traveling the past 71 days.
Even if I never see them again, I count them as close personal friends. Even if they live on the other side of the planet and speak a different language, I have bonded with some amazing folks. Sitting around campfires sharing life stories, getting lost in the jungle, climbing volcanoes, skinny dipping in the ocean, sunbathing on the beach, trying crazy fruits in a night market, zooming around on motorbikes, dancing the night away at clubs, watching the sun set and then rise again, counting stars in an unfamiliar sky, swimming in waterfalls and sharing 24 hour bus rides from hell are only a few of the amazing moments I will cherish for the rest of my life. I am thankful for the random moments where I desperately need help, or someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on...and this amazing person walks into my life with just the fix. Being picked up from the train station at 4 in the morning my the random guy I met before getting on the train in the previous city, just so I have somewhere to go for the few hours before the bus station opens for my next ride. Having a traveling partner for the first time I am desperately ill while traveling, who brings me noodle soup and makes sure I don't have to go to the hospital. Meting a group of folks when I first hit Malaysia, after traveling alone for almost a month, and instantly adopting me into their pack and making me feel loved.
I am thankful for all the "bright light" moments that put a smile on my face throughout the day.
Sitting in a bus in Thailand and smiling at the woman and child that sat down next to me, who then shared their snacks and we taught each other words in our native language. The random Chinese family at Borobudur, Indonesia that wanted to take pictures with me and each one (including the 80 year old grandma) that hugged me like a long lost child. Walking through the night market in Mersing, Malaysia and seeing a bunch of catfish flop around on the table (don't ask me why but it made me grin in a dirty, boring town). Campfires in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia and discussions about god, religion and life views. Amazing sunsets on deserted beaches. Roti Bom and Martabak in KL, Malaysia. Ten cent McDonalds ice cream cones. Funny looks driving a motorbike in Lankawi, Malaysia with Joonas on the back. Watching 5th graders in Cianjur, Indonesia perform a Pencake Silat demonstration for us while volunteering at their school to help teach English. Feeding monkeys by hand in Railay, Thailand. And so many, many more.
I am thankful for my life and hope everyone that is a part of it knows how much I love them and wish them the best on this day. Thanksgiving - 2009.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The dolldrums of monsoon season and hopping around SE Asia
In the end I was so tired of stressing about timing and money and planning, that I decided to just head to Tioman Island and de-stress for a bit. Wrong Move Heather! After a hellish 8am bus ride out of Melaka to Mersing (so I could catch the ferry to the island) I get there and find out I missed the last ferry of the day by 10 mins.=[ So me and Taylor (another American I met on the bus) had to spend the night in dirty, filthy, boring Mersing. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, redeemable about Mersing. Crappy food, crappy rooms, crappy sights...very few redeeming features. The night market was fun...and that was about it. Bright and early the next morning we headed to the dock to catch the ferry and headed out to Tioman Island. When we got there...we were the only folks to get off on the beach we chose, and upon checking into the hostel I saw in the registry no one new had checked in for over 2 weeks! After a cursory exploration of the beach we soon realized most places were closed because of monsoon season and even finding an ATM would require a 45 min walk to a different beach.
I ended up getting horrible blisters on my feet because I was walking around in plastic flipflops. Wwe went swimming in the ocean and only afterward realized where we chose to swim was right next to a water runoff point, which basically meant all the random water runoff from houses (i.e. toilets, sinks, showers), restaurants and basic drainage from the buildings were mixing in the ocean water we were swimming in. 30 minuts later my blisters started to turn red and hurt and I started freaking out about infected feet! Two antibiotic pills later and finally finding the one place on the beach that everyone goes to eat at we settled down for some really good pizza. The owner of the bar/grill told us that the next day they were closing up shop for the season and we decided it was time to get the hell off the island least we get stuck. Apparently, once the actual monsoons start the ferry is hit or miss for weeks on end.
The next morning we packed up and headed out to the dock to catch the 7:30 am ferry. It was pouring down rain. The kind that after 30 seconds you are soaked to the bone and your shoes have been turned a soggy mess with more water inside than out. The ferry was late....and hour late! and once we finally board, the A/C is running at high and I am freezing. I ended up having to sit outside at the back, in the rain, because it was warmer. Finally got back to Mersing and hopped on the first bus to JB (the Malaysian town bordering Singapore). I end up staying the night in JB because it is a bit cheaper than Singapore, book a flight to Jakarta just to I could get the hell out of Malaysia, and catch a few hours sleep. The next day I spent on a bus ride to Singapore, dealing with immigration, trying to find the right transportation to the airport, and eventually spending 5 hours sitting at the airport waiting for my flight at 6pm. I arrive in Indonesia, have the immigration lady try and hussle me out of money by saying I could not get a visa without proof on a flight leaving the country...but for only $25 US dollars she could look the other way. I played ignorant and eventually got my visa approved. 2 hours later I was checked into my hostel and sitting down for a wonderful meal of dim sum. I was already in love with Indonesia.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Funny Fact
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Jungle Trekking
The signage for our pathway also left a bit to be desired.
Once we reached to top of the climb, the views were impressive and well worth the effort. Plus, it felt good to finally be healthy enough to do some actual physical exertion, even if it did feel like I was dying. After taking in the views, our day took a turn for the interesting. We decided instead of backtracking down the path we came up, we would follow a different route home. The problem was there were absolutely no trail markers or signs, and several potential paths to take. Looking at our trusty torn-from-a-guidebook map, we chose a path and headed off.
What followed was an interesting adventure of slipping down jungle hills, wading through streams to find lost trails, backtracking numerous times, hacking our way through spiky vines and huge bushes and following a concrete drainage ditch for a while. We were finally able to see a road and started heading that direction along any trail we could find.
We eventually ran into a power station and we so excited to see civilization! We were on the opposite side of the station from the road and could see someone inside the fence, so we waved and waved trying to get their attention so we could ask directions. All we wanted was to confirm how to get back to town, but he would not come near us, just waved us away and indicated we had to walk around the power station. So we had to shimmy our way around the fence of this huge power station, with the jungle grown in right next to the fence. So much for those really helpful Malaysian folks! We finally got around and headed up the road looking for a sign indicating where the hell we were. After walking about 20 minutes we got to the main road and were able to hitch a ride back to our guesthouse. After a hot shower, copious amounts of soap and the few cuts and scrapes we had gathers were fixed up we all enjoyed a round of beers and a good laugh over our jungle adventure.
On the docket for today: tea plantations, honey bee farms and strawberry picking...lets see what sort of adventures we can get into today!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thailand Recap
I loved traveling through Thailand - beautiful places, wonderful locals and a few interesting experiences thrown into the mix. Some of the highlights include: going rock climbing in Railay with a Thai named Tex (he was so excited to take a Texas girl climbing he personally took me out for 4 climbs and wouldn't let me pay a dime!), watching the most amazing sunset I have ever seen in my life on Koh Lanta where I had the beach entirely to myself and the sky looked like it was on fire, and hissing at a troop of monkeys that were harassing me on my walk back to my room and having the dominant male look at me like I was the craziest human he had ever encountered. Being proposed to on the beach by a local Thai Rastafarian man who wanted to "take care of me for every day of the rest of my life", riding on the back of a motorcycle in Bangkok with my full pack on my back trying to get to the train station on time, and being the only traveler on a packed bus to say hello (in Thai) to the Muslim woman that got on with her 7 year old daughter and being given the most grateful smile and half the cookies she brought for her little girl while I taught them how to say hello, thank you and good bye.
Something that has taken some getting used to is the assumptions most people (travelers and locals alike) make about me. 1: I am American - this has lead to some fun and frustrating conversations and interactions. In Thailand, if someone knew only 1 or 2 words in English, one of them was guaranteed to be "Obama" (always delivered with a thumbs up and a big grin). Other assumptions included that I must be rich, I hate everyone not American, I am stupid and several others that I forget now. 2: I am traveling alone - this usually lead to at least one of the following assumption - that I need help, don't know what I am doing or where I am going ever, I don't have any friends, I can't make friends, I am stuck up...and so on. 3: I am female - I will fall for every scam in the book, I can't learn Thai, I can't count money, I need help picking anything up, I want to shop all the time, I hate local food, I love cocktails and want to drink copious amounts of them and I can't play pool. 4: I am female and traveling alone - so I MUST want to sleep with everyone. Locals and travelers alike all think that I am just itching to get into bed with them. Lord knows I am not a prude, but it is extremely frustrating to have every male, and most females, think that I am constantly on the prowl and easy to bag.
But enough ranting: I loved Thailand, and I love traveling and learning about the world, its people and myself.
p.s. I am going to try and start dedicating every other morning to updating my flickr and blog. Shorter blogs with a bit more current and spur of the moment info. Wish me luck!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
From Bangkok to Railay Beach
We three ended up getting on the same bus after breakfast, but after half an hour I swapped to a different bus and bid farewell to the two blokes from England. Unlike the first bus, the bus I joined had no other tourist or English speakers, so I just had to hope that the driver was looking out for me and would let me know what stop to get off at. After a few hours, a bit of napping, a frantic search for a toilet at the one rest break we had, and numerous drop offs and pickups I was getting a bit worried I had missed my stop. Luckily I soon saw a sign for Krabi and new the ride was almost over. I was the last to get dropped off, and felt a bit apprehensive as the bus drove to a remote, secluded group of buildings and stopped with no other people in sight. It turns out I was actually at a spot where I could get a van ride from here to any of the three docks providing rides to Railay Beach. For only 159 baht (and no other options for a ride) I headed over to one of the docks. How quickly I was able to leave Krabi was dependent on the boat taxi finding enough passengers, and since this was low season I ended up waiting for almost 2 hours. The 45 min ride was pretty bland; except it starting raining halfway there and we only had a rough tarp spread over piping for cover, so we all ended up a bit damp. I am sure I made quite a sight, with my fedora pulled low, sunglasses, a bandana covering the lower half of my face and my rain jacket pulled halfway on to cover my arms!
I finally waded onto East Railay beach (luckily the rain had stopped for a bit) and went searching for a room for the night. Let me say this about Railay, I am going to be in such good shape after staying a week or two here! Everything back from the small beach is steep walkways and stairs, and there are no cars and only a few motorcycles here, so I will have a bunch of hiking to do. It is also amazingly beautiful. A picture perfect tropical rainforest mixed in with amazing sheer limestone cliffs and emerald green water. After a few minutes of hiking around, I finally found a bungalow in my price range (300 baht which equals $9). I grabbed a quick shower and then headed out to explore the area and find some food. I didn't make it far before the smell of Pad Thai and the smiling face of a lovely Thai woman drew me into a Rastafarian Bar right on the beach. I ate my fill and hung around for a bit because the skies had opened up again and were dumping a tons of rain. Here I met Job and Laura, two travelers from Ireland, who recommended I stay at Railay Cabanas (cheaper and nicer) and invited me to hang out while I was on Railay. Job has been coming here for the past 4 years and has really gotten to know the locals and where all the best food and atmosphere is. I didn't reconnect with them later in the evening, because I went back to my room for a nap and ended up sleeping the whole night through.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Bangkok, Thailand
Chinatown is a whole different type of amazing. One stall after another filled with so many neat things. Statues, amulets, silks, paintings, food, books, name it, it is here. Skinny little walkways wind around block after block of sellers, with a few temples thrown into the mix.
After Chinatown we headed to Kaw San Road, the stereotypical backpacker local in Bangkok. It was interesting, and I ended up spending a night there after a few days, but for the most part I didn't like it. Most of the travelers spent all there time on this pretty tiny street, only interacting with other travelers and never really getting to see what Bangkok is really like. Cheap food, cloths and accommodations, plus lots of English books for sale are the only reasons to go. This pretty much finished up my fist day in Thailand. We headed back to the hostel and I was only going to take a nap and then met back up with David to smoke Hookah, but I crashed and burned around 6pm and didn't wake up until 9 hours later (around 3am). I managed to fall back asleep and got a good 13 hours of sleep! =]
Friday, September 18, 2009
Bus Trip From Hell
As I rode out of Austin I was feeling quite lost and wondering just how screwed up I had made my life. Then I met Debbie in Louisville, the recovering meth addict whose daughter is in jail for dealing, and whose son is with her abusive ex-husband. Jose in Memphis, who has been traveling all over the states for the past 11 years following the harvest season and trying to make enough money to feed himself and send some home to his family. The 5 random guys I was woken up from a nap by them talking about their jail time, various drugs they love and how messed up their lives are and they can't understand why. The fellow at the Indianapolis terminal that was headed to Mexico so he could avoid being arrested and dying in jail from Hepatitis. Listening to their stories has had an interesting affect on me. I realiz how amazing my life has been so far, and how amazing it will continue to be. I may not know what the hell I am doing, or what I am looking for, but I have the opportunity to go out into the world and look for it. And somehow, in a bizarre way, they made me feel better about the decisions I have made about this trip.
My long and tiring bus ride finally ended in Terra Haute, since this was the closest town to Bloomington that I could book a bus ticket to. The local nickname “Armpit of Indiana” is not far off the mark. The greyhound terminal was a barn converted into a store where passengers were dropped off. There was no hope of finding a ride to Bloomington from here, so I looked in the local phone book and found a simple map of the area. Highway 46 ran straight to Bloomington, and I could get to 46 by traveling north on Highway 70 for roughly 10 miles. The sole attendant at this “terminal” told me that 70 was about a mile South. So I threw my pack on my back and started walking. I finally reached 70, and was told my a local fellow I met under the overpass that if I followed Margaret Street east for a few miles I would come to a truck stop on 46 and probably have an easier time finding a ride than hitching on 70. So I back tracked a bit and started walking down Margaret Street. 3 miles later, with most of the time with my thumb out, I stopped off in a gas station to refill my water bottle and ask exactly how far 46 was, since the bridge dweller had told me it was only “a few miles”. The kindly attendant told me I was looking at roughly 5 more miles. Then a wonderful lady that was paying for gas asked where I was headed and if I was walking there. She and her husband offered to give me a lift to highway 46, and told me that if there weren't headed to Indianapolis for their mother's 80th birthday, they would drive me to Bloomington. I love nice people! A short air conditioned ride later, including an extremely kind-hearted conversation with the couple involving trying to think of anyone they know that would take me to Bloomington, I was dropped off at the truck stop on Highway 46.
I then spent an hour trying to procure a ride, until finally a truck driver asked where I was headed and was going in the same direction. Jerry had a rig with several cars he was actually hauling down to Texas, one being a beautiful '69, hot pink hotrod he had just bought for himself. After a bit of fussing around, Jerry finally decided that he really didn't need to take his entire rig to Bloomington because he was planning to stay the night in Terra Haute, but he would take me there any way. So he pulled his personal truck (not the hotrod) off his rig and drove me into Bloomington, even thought it was completely out of his way. I finally met up with Vanessa at the local mall where Jerry dropped me off around 7pm, thus ending my marathon 31 hour journey.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wine & Music Festival in Kerrville
Wednesday afternoon Michael Adams and I headed West out of Austin - destination: Kerrville.
"Welcome Home"
One of my favorite things out at Quiet Valley Ranch is the feeling, and encouraged belief that the ranch is your home. Everywhere you go, from beginning to end, from close friends to utter strangers, you hear "Welcome Home". This greeting is usually accompanied by a wonderful, unrestricted, totally heartfelt hug. There is nothing like it.
"Thursday Afternoon River Trip”
After a long hard day of toiling in the sun and sweating my ass off trying to get the ranch ready for the festival a group of us headed down the road for a river trip. Layton, Michael and Raina hopped in a car, Steve and I hopped on his bike and we all set out for a little known spot in Center Point. This place was perfect: a wide, lazy section of the river with a rope swing and good paces to sit on the shore. We all had a blast and were able to cool off and reward ourselves for a hard days work.
“Campground Security"
This was my second fest ever and I was promoted to a Second for Campground Security. I am now equal to Mustang! Craziness. My first shift as a Second was absolutely wonderful. I had fun managing my crew, helped out a group of Kerr-virgins discover what fest is all about and how being on staff just makes it that much better, and still had the opportunities to interact with the festival goers and hang out in camps and make new friends. I love this place so much.
“Everything Else”
There were so many little, amazing moments during the fest that helped make it a special weekend. Running around transferring my stuff to Mustang's tent in camp Ohm Sweet Ohm when rain threatened, and then running around some more getting Michael's stuff into Cara's tent since he was on shift. Meeting Shamus and getting the chance to hang out and get to know him (plus the sweet bracelet he bought me hasn't left my wrist yet!). Drinking home-brewed sake with Secret Steve. Enjoying a refreshing cup of Snake Juice at Rebel Kitchen with Pops and Hillbilly, Scott and Mike, and many others. Staff party Sunday night and dancing until a dropped to the drum circle. There are so many more that should be included here, but I just don't have the time.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Good Bye College Station...Hello World
Now I start figuring out what it is like to be a vagabond. No phone. No car. No place to call my own. A 20 lb. pack on my back with everything I hope to need for the next 8 months. All I can say so far is that it is different...very, very different. I feel like I am in a sort of limbo. I have left home, but I am not in SE Asia yet. I realize I have started this incredible journey, but nothing really seams all that different. I guess I was expecting this drastic internal change. I new way of looking at the world. Which I realize is completely ridiculous, but I guess I still thought there would be something profound. I just feel like me, doing my thing and carrying on.
There have been brief moments of feeling intensely overwhelmed, but there have also been moments of extreme excitement that can only be expressed though an explosive squeal that typically catches those I am around by complete surprise. I am so pleased to be finally on my trip, not just planning the trip.
And I realize, as I am re-reading what I have already posted that I really have no clue. =] I am happy, I am pleased, I am excited, and I still have a lot to figure out!! So my friends, I will endeavor to gather my thoughts, compose my feelings and write some more later when I have something that does not contradict itself.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
at the start...
In the beginning there was much confusion and uncertainty...and it was slightly overwhelming.
I have finally realized I need to knuckle down and start thinking about the nitty-gritty details of this adventure. Passports, transportation, places, people...all the how tos and what tos and where tos and want tos. I think what keeps holding me back is: 1) it is all so overwhelmingly daunting! 2) I still feel like a have a ton of time to figure all this out. and 3) the whole idea behind this journey is the desire to be free - and this is a big sticking point for me. I want to cut ties with the life style I have currently been living and set out on the road for who know what at who knows where. I want to be a vagabond...a nomad...exploring the world without a timetable or plan. I want to hitchhike and depend on the kindness of others. I want to wake up somewhere and wonder what in the world could happen to me today. I want to experience the true freedom of wandering. And I hope that through this unanchored existence, I can absorb the life, the culture, the people around engulfed in their lives and see the world through their eyes. I want to make meaningful connections with individuals from all walks of life, all over the world. I want to go to Indonesia, and Africa, and the Middle East in part because it is "unsafe". I want to push the boundaries and open other's eyes to the beauty of humankind and show everyone that we are all the same on some level. I want to let go of the luxuries I have grown up with so I can better appreciate what I have been given. I want to prove to the world that money does not make you happy...people, friendships, love, desires, dreams...these are what make life rich.