So, I am 98 days into my travels and am stuck in Chaing Mai, Thailand due to timing and money. I am beginning to realize this is a probably a good thing. I have been in a bit of a funk the past few days, but I am starting to realize it is because I have been traveling so fast, jumping from one place to the next, riding a high of new experiences and new friends, without taking the time for self reflection and sorting through all the changes and growth I have been doing.
I can't say that I have figured anything out, but I am working on it instead of letting myself wallow. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I don't want to be traveling alone right now, but that is where I find myself. I have not made any new friends here, but that is my own fault. I am going to try and embrace this part of my journey and hope to have some sort of answers, or the start or answers soon.
Until then, I love everyone, I am safe and healthy and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
p.s. I know this all sounds so very cryptic, but I am doing ok. Just have a different sort of journey to embark on for a bit and have only just realized it. I love you all.
Life These Days.
7 years ago